Know the Care of Chickens Properly

Know the care of cock fighting properly. then there must be special care given to him. Because if not then it will later make your chickens get a disease that ends in death. Surely you also don't want that to happen to your favorite chicken. There are still many people who are confused about how to properly care for chickens after they have finished fighting. Here I will provide guidance to you about the right way to care for the right.

When two chickens are placed on the playing field, they will surely meet each other, which will cause two chickens to get hurt. Various wounds suffered may be slightly scratched, torn, bruised, or vice versa. The chicken's energy or physical strength must then be exhausted, which can make the chicken very tired. Therefore, chicken owners must not be careless and should not ignore the practice of raising chickens. This will cause your cockfight to be seriously injured. For example, it happens in the body to death.

Therefore, I strongly urge you to take care of your chickens immediately. In this way, you don't need to wait until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow to bring the chicken home. Then give your cockfight the best care right away. Unfortunately, if your cockfight dies in vain because of your own mistakes, that's not unfortunate. Also, your cockfight is a high-quality girl who usually wins battles. So if you die, you will lose like a gold coin. Therefore, here I will show you how to care for chickens after fighting properly.

Know the Care of Chickens Properly

The first thing you need to do is bring the rooster home. Then immediately wash your gamecock clean. Especially in the injured area, because if not cleaned. Therefore, there is a concern that bacteria can be attached to the injured area. For bathing, use a clean, damp cloth. You provide a basin filled with water, and then place the chicken in a basin filled with water. After that, clean the chicken with a cloth, especially in the injured area. You clean the dirt gently.

Of course, dust will stick to the injured area. For example, soil, sand or other, such as chickens fighting in arenas that are basically ground. You didn't clean properly, please wipe slowly. This way your chicken doesn't feel pain, so you can clean it calmly. Because if your chicken hurts, he will definitely move here and there. As a result, you will have difficulty cleaning and may get wet because the water in the basin will splash. This is the first thing you need to do, and I think it will not be difficult.

The second thing you have to do is fight for the fight. Koroki can clean your throat and clean your throat from chickens. Because after your chicken fights, there will definitely be money and blood lenders in your throat and throat. You have to do it because if you don't do it. Then it will make you feel cockfighting, a little strange, after that it will disturb the problem. That will make it difficult for him to swallow food and make you sick. This will then cause you more trouble and your task will increase again.

How to fight a fighter is not difficult, you just have to be careful and slow down. The trick is you only need to give a special feather to apply the chicken. And you have to use nice long hair. Because the length will be good, it can be cleaned. And not too long, because it will later enter the body. Those who are afraid of hurting your cockfighting and may be deadly. After that, enter the prepared feathers into the chicken's mouth, not too deep then pull it out.